Alkaline Me- 10 Day Challenge

I learnt so much at the 4 day seminar with Anthony Robbins “Unleash the Power within”. I will be writing a few blog posts about the event as 1 blog definitely doesn’t give it justice.

I knew I was going to learn a lot which would help me develop as a person in both my personal life and business,  but our bonus was that Tony spent a WHOLE day dedicated to living a healthier lifestyle and educated us on how to live a vitalised life full of energy!! And Energy means A LOT to me! I couldn’t agree anymore, but Tony Robbins emphasises that this is probably one of the most important aspects in developing yourself.

He taught us a concept that I’ve heard a lot but did not quite understand it until it was broken down for us, with journal articles and references attached. He taught us the core principles that create health and energy.

Amongst the information to have a healthier and revitalised life, he had broken down many foods that he believed were not necessary for the human body in order for it to function. In fact, Tony’s belief through many years of studying and seeing results with this diet is that IF you can even eliminate these types of food, your body can function optimally.

I don’t want to get into too much detail, but after our 4 day seminar, there was a 10 day challenge that was brought upon us and it was up to the individual to take it or not. My fiancé and I, looking for MORE energy to do the things we love, we took upon this opportunity to help revitalise our lives.

I wanted to do this for many reasons such as

  1. I wanted more energy to last me throughout the day and not to rely on coffee to keep me going
  2. I just came back from America and wanted to follow guidelines to help me eat cleaner
  3. find a diet that suited my lifestyle
  4. educate myself about how food really makes me feel

I really LOVE my food, I would say that every minute of the day I’d be thinking about what to eat next or where can we go for dinner that night. It really was the basis of my day to just satisfy my cravings. I have eased up a lot since i started my business but I just wanted to take it to the next level. So I committed myself to 10 days and if i were to last after my 10 days were up, I’d continue until I could.

The 10 Day Challenge Rules 

Eliminate or reduce:

1. processed fats

2. animal flesh

3. dairy products

4. acid addictions such as :

caffeine, sugar, nicotine, alcohol, whites (bread, pasta), vinegar & drugs


Looking at the list above, when I found out the rules of eliminating these in my diet, I could already see how difficult it was going to be. But having a supportive partner and family made this transition a lot easier.

Action steps- incorporate into everyday life to help achieve optimal energy

  1. make sure you breathe properly (from the diaphragm)
  2. start your morning with lemon water
  3. eat a diet which consists of foods with high water content such as vegetables
  4. consume foods that are essential fatty acids (Omega 3, omega 6). You can use good quality fish oil supplements, avocado, almonds, olive oil
  5. consume a LOT of green vegetables and have at least 70-80% of foods that are alkaline- supplement your foods with QUALITY vitamins
  6. at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise a day
  7. stay hydrated
  8. live an active lifestyle, MOVE everyday. do stretches and get yourself checked and aligned
  9. do a lot of personal and self development. Your mind plays a big role in your life whether you agree or not!
  10. Have FUN with it!

These rules are very simplified rules of the Tony Robbin’s Alkaline challenge. This is a guideline of how we should be choosing our foods everyday.

I really believe that diet and your perspective on lifestyle and diet is very different for everyone. I consider it like a religion where your opinions are based on what you believe in, what results you’ve seen versus what you’ve read. It does end up becoming quite a controversial topic sometimes. So like I Said, I want to emphasise that finding out what suits me is an on going process and that so my opinions about certain things will evolve with me as I discover and learn new things about diet and lifestyle.





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